Welcome, I'm Maddie, also known in various places I lurk as HunnyBon. You've probably come across this site through a link on a bio or something. Rest assured, if you've come to find a place all things HunnyBon, you've made the first step.
I'm an aspiring writer and a somewhat-okay programmer, knowing at least a handful of programming languages. I aspire to try and make others feel things, and make things a little easier for the world. I may not have much out in public as of now, but I want to make sure anything I throw out can make people at least a little happier.
You'll find a host of links on my website, notably to various profiles I have on social media, as well as to various sites I really really like. You can find those up top with the Links section of the website!
The site is still a bit WIP, there will be more to come.
I LIKEYou may not find me anywhere but here for a while, so I suggest you go ahead and bookmark this page.